View Profile SimonG
Follow me on twitter: www.twitter.com/simg ust/ Check out my stuff at: www.flickr.com/photo s/_simong_/ www.vimeo.com/simgus

Age 31, Male

School and animation

The Norwegian Empire

Joined on 6/5/08

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SimonG's News

Posted by SimonG - February 10th, 2009


For 2 weeks, my xbox has been to a repair (due to some red ring of death shit). Yesterday, it once again lit up the livingroom with it's fabulous EA:Skate 2! Dawg, I'm happy!

Aaaand, in the weekend, I bought a shining new iPhone 3G 16 Gb!! It rocks!
I've bought some apps n' stuff, amogst them, Touchgrind (amazing finger-skateboard game) and Fieldrunners (the ULTIMATE tower defence game ever made).

So, now both Microsoft and Apple has something to do with me. YEYH!

Oh, and here's my classmate photoshopped:

iPhone and Xbox!!

Posted by SimonG - January 25th, 2009

Alright, so this week has been the worst of my life. At least with electronic stuff.

This week, skate 2 arrived, and two days before that, my xbox got 'the red ring of death', meaning that there's something wrong with the hardware. ARGH!!

The same day, flash stopped working!

The day after that CAMPNORTH died for some time, so:
I can't play skate unless I borow an xbox or something, I can't make flashes, and I've lost the only brilliant site for uploading my photos and Photoshop work.

Well, this aint gonna last forever, my xbox will be home in 2-3 weeks, I'ma buy flash really soon, and CN's not totally dead. And as soon as I get something in the income, I'LL BUY iPHONE! Yay!


Seriously, everything's shit.

Posted by SimonG - December 28th, 2008

Alright, my christmas submition is... Submitted!

It's called Charlie and Santa's Secret, and I'm really happy with it.
FatKidWitAJetPak has done all the voices, and he's really awesome! Go check him out, he doesn't bite! I'm sure he'll do voice acting if you need some.

Yep, It's a christmas submition including superheroes and rocket-powered sleighs!

Alittel too late, but MERRY CHRISTMAS!
(Check me out on CampNorth)

Christmas submition: Charlie and Santa's Secret!

Posted by SimonG - December 14th, 2008

Oh, man, christmas is coming upon us with huge steps, and I have a MAJOR problem!
I almost can't find out something I want for this holiday season! Yes, I have come up with something, iPhone 3G and a PS3 with LittleBigPlanet, but most likely, I don't get that.

One thing I almost get guaranteed, is SEAL's new cd, Soul. It's freakin' awesome.

Still can't wait for EA: Skate 2 :O!


Posted by SimonG - November 30th, 2008

What's up? I'm making a thing!
I can't wait for snow, christmas or skate 2, I WANT THEM NOW!

Edit 1. of December: WE GOT SNOW :D


Posted by SimonG - October 26th, 2008

Yay! Finally frontpage post! Thats cool... Anyway, I'll do some advertising stuff.

New movie!

New loop!

You've problably heard it from the Legend Of Miyamoto, but the song Fatboy Slim- Gangster Tripping is so freakin' awsome!
The Big Morphing Orgasm, a collab led by TheBoogley will be submitted today or tomorrow. It's looking awesome! It is ONE BIG MORPHING ORGASM!
And I'm making a superhero kinda movie, with the voice actor FatKidWithAJetPak who is pretty awesome at voice acting, and he's super fast of recording stuff.
I'm partisipating in MarcyVF's tiny little collab called the Undead Skate Collab. Together with some others from the Skate Flash Club
Me TommyVF and MarcyVF is also making another movie together, so stay tuned...!
My deviantART is up running. You can see my photoshop art there as well as my photos...

Can't wait for EA: Skate 2!

Some stuff!

Posted by SimonG - October 19th, 2008

My new movie!!!!

Please vote and review :)

Posted by SimonG - September 27th, 2008

Save a planet...
Not OUR planet, but A planet, I'm not that green :D
Watch and tell me what you think, yay!

Posted by SimonG - August 6th, 2008

Hey! Me, TommyVF and MarcyVF have submitted a new movie!

We have been working on it for a while, hope you like it.

Posted by SimonG - July 27th, 2008

Hey, my part for the best collab ever is taking part! I've been working on it for some days, and I hope to get finished as soon as possible. This is my first skating flash ever, and it turns out pretty good I think.
Watch it here.

I would love some comments, suggestions etc.

I'm also working on a little project with TommyVF and MarcyVF called ¨Check This Out¨, wich we soon will submit (they're AWSOME) And remember to vote 5 on Twintrash 006 : LikeThere'sNoCow


Skate Flash Collab 3 prev.