Alright, so this week has been the worst of my life. At least with electronic stuff.
This week, skate 2 arrived, and two days before that, my xbox got 'the red ring of death', meaning that there's something wrong with the hardware. ARGH!!
The same day, flash stopped working!
The day after that CAMPNORTH died for some time, so:
I can't play skate unless I borow an xbox or something, I can't make flashes, and I've lost the only brilliant site for uploading my photos and Photoshop work.
Well, this aint gonna last forever, my xbox will be home in 2-3 weeks, I'ma buy flash really soon, and CN's not totally dead. And as soon as I get something in the income, I'LL BUY iPHONE! Yay!
yep my flash alsoo stopped working and campnorth is dead :((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
but are you going to buy flash WHAT its like 4500 kr and that is mutch
It's 1500 kr for the students edition.